It seems to me that most of us, dont have enough TIME...
I hear people say things like;
-got to run, dont have time...
-sorry for late reply, didnt have time...
-i'll come to visit, when i have some time...
-love to stay and chat, but i dont have time...
Is it really that TIME is the problem here? Or is it something else?
Maybe the person you ran into, isnt someone you wish to socialize with?
Maybe the email you received is full of BS and you dont know how to reply.
Maybe you dont want to go for a visit because you dont like to interact with people that talk much about nothing...
We all have 24 hours in a day, so time is not the why is it that TIME comes up in every conversation?
Do we really lack time? Are we really sooo busy in our daily routines that we forget to prioritize our time?
I dont know, but i seem to have enough time. Do i have a job, you ask? Yes, two jobs. I work full time as a house painter, I have a cleaning contract at night, i also have three kids, a house, eight perrots, two chickens, a duck, a dog, three gold fish, a green house and a few friends.
I must admit that by the end of the day i have no desire to do anything but put my feet up and have a glass of red wine, but the point is that i do have TIME to do all this things, plus shop, plus go out with friends and family.
So, what do you have to say on the subject?
I would love to hear from all of you out there, your comments on TIME.
Until then,
i mus